Who Were We? in Japanese theaters

May 31: Who Were We?, director Tetsuya Tomina‘s new film has been released in Japan today and is available for viewers in about 40 theatres, nationwide. It’s been announced by several media outlets and as part of the promotional campaign, lead thespians Ryuhei Matsuda and Nana Komatsu gave interviews to some (see sources and links below). Official film site (Japanese)

Story (source: HKIFF): the story is set in a gold-mining town on Sado Island, Japan. A woman wakes up with no memory of her past. She is rescued by an elderly female cleaner named Kii. Kii takes her to a home that already houses two girls, Aka and Kuro. Unable to remember her name, the woman is given the name Midori. Midori and Kii start working together as cleaners at the gold mine. There, Midori meets a man who works as the night guard. He says he has no name nor memory of his past. Midori names him Ao. The two people who have no memory of their respective pasts become attracted to each other. The world they inhabit feels somewhat different from the normal world. Eventually, the true identity of Midori and the people in her life are unveiled. This film tells a story of life and death, dreams and reality, existence and its ambiguities.

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Success Story in South Korea

The Last Ten Years (余命10年), director Michihito Fuji‘s movie was a big box office hit in Japan and Taiwan in 2022 and quite unexpectedly it has become a remarkable success story in South Korea, in two episodes. Season 1 was when the movie got its first theatrical release on May 25 last year, it got excellent reviews and attracted over 130,000 viewers, a very decent figure for a Japanese movie in the Land of the Morning Calm.

Then the Korean production team launched a new promo campaign at the beginning of 2024 with the release of songs by various South Korean artists (Paul Kim, Kim Feel, 10cm, Kim Ji Hoon, Ahn Se Ha etc…), all related to the film’s themes and story. The novel was issued with a sleeve featuring the two leads: Komatsu Nana and Sakaguchi Kentaro.

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